We started off the night with pizza...LOTS of pizza. It was yum. It wasn't the healthiest choice, but girl's night isn't about being healthy, and it just isn't complete without pizza! Especially, chocolate chip pizza. It's amazing!
Until we started the movies, we didn't remember just how corny they could be. I guess you just don't realize those type things when you are in grade school, and dreaming of being just like Mary Kate and Ashley.
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A few of our Facebook status' that night. These lines were all part of a song on one of the movies. Cheesy right?!![]()
On the way home from our little girl's night, my sister, Gracie, and I had a little jam out session to the Backstreet Boy's. It was a blast from the 90's...needless to say...it was a FUN night! She didn't know a lot of the words to the songs, because didn't grow up in the 90's, so it was a lot of me telling her, "me and my friends used to sing this over and over!" HaHa.
Saturday, I had one of those days I've been dreaming about for months. I did nothing. I had no responsibilities. None. I didn't think I would have one of these days until the semester was over. Thankfully, class was canceled Friday, which meant no note-card making for me on the weekend. It was wonderful.
I spent most of the day sitting on my front porch, reading a book. I am reading Love Me Tender by Janice Hanna. It is so good! I will write all about it as soon as I finish. Let's just say, while I've been reading it, I've been having major cravings for a grape float and cheeseburger. Haven't had either yet :(
Since classes have started back, I have gotten a little behind on my reading. I'm trying to get some sort of normal schedule in place that will allow for a lot of reading.
My sister got in the mood for a little baking. Oh boy is she good....!
I ate one too many of these tasty things!
Sunday's are always one of my favorite days. It's that day I feel like I can get re-energized. My battery gets recharged :) This Sunday was my first day to sing in the choir. I admit, I'm enjoying it a lot! You can tell each member is up there singing, because they have true joy in their heart. I like serving with people like that.
Sunday was also Grandparents Day! My grandparents, on my mom's side, work at a campground part of the year, and travel the other part. It's a pretty nice life if you ask me :) Their last day at the campground is actually today, so yesterday we went for a little visit.
It was nice being outside. We went for a little bike ride, and enjoyed some yummy watermelon!
I can only hope that more weekends like this are in my future!
**All of the photos are phone pictures, in case that wasn't noticeable. Ha!
omg mary kate and ashley! How fun!!! Thanks for stopping by from Follow me Back Tuesday, new follower! :)