Monday, September 19, 2011

Two Rowdy Goldens & A Squirrel

Daisy and Hank...super cute and calm right?

                                                        Daisy                                            Hank


Cute? Yes, of course. I think these babies are beautiful. Calm? Not even a smidget.  If they ever do have a calm day,  it's so unusual we wonder if there is something wrong.

Daisy is normally a bit calmer than Hank. She is about five years old, and Hank is only 11 months old. (He has a birthday soon :)  Maybe that's the cause of him being a bit more hyper...he's still just a wee baby! Ha!  He can't stand any other living animal. He chases (and catches) lizards, grasshoppers, butterflies, and has even attempted the hummingbird. Obviously, he wasn't successful on the hummingbird chase.

A few days back, I was up for my morning walk just as I am most everyday.  I normally walk down my driveway, and around our community. Keep in mind that I don't live in the middle of the city. I live in a small community out in the country, with houses few and far between. Most of my neighbors are older. It's always nice to see them sitting on their porches, sipping on their morning coffee.  Although I would love for Daisy and Hank to walk along with me, it scares me that they will venture back out to the road without me being there to watch for cars for them. People drive crazy here, and Daisy and Hank are truly clueless to the damage a big vehicle could do to them.

Normally, they will walk with me to the edge of the driveway, and then sit there and wait patiently for my return. This little routine hasn't always been this simple. They have learned to sit and wait after many spankings. I hate spanking them, but I don't want them to get run over :(

On this particular day, they were no where to be found. Kind of unusual, but I just assumed they had probably ventured off to the neighbors house. However, I didn't see them there, decided they had just been too lazy to come.

Man was I wrong.  I got back to my house, and smelled a horrible funk!

I found them chilling out in the backyard with a SQUIRREL! A SQUIRREL?! I think I probably said something like, "Y'all have got to be kidding me! Daisy, ladies don't do that!" Pretty much, I was in shock. Of all in the world did they catch it?! Of course they were shamless. Tails wagging, and giving the look that was basically begging for a pat on the head and a job well done.

They proudly kept this thing around for days. We would try and get it to dispose of it, but they wouldn't allow it. They would run and hide it if they suspicioned us coming after it.

Then, a couple of nights ago, Gracie and I had been over at Tab's house for a little GNI (Girls Night In).
It was kind of late when we got home, and we were both expecting Daisy and Hank to be sound asleep.

wrong again..

Apparently, they decided instead of fighting over the one squirrel, they would just kill another one so they can have one each! Unbelievable!

I had to take pics...

It really was gross. Although I couldn't help but laugh, I was not a proud momma!
Dad got rid of the squirrels the next day. The smell was too much to take!

Squirrels in our part of the country...better be on the look out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh, haha! I would totally freak out if that happened with my dogs!!!! Mine are SO SO hyper, too!! I wish I had their energy!
