Monday, October 31, 2011


Hi all,
I just wanted to share a quick thought with you guys.  A dear friend of mine called me the other day and told me he had a challenge for me.  Write down 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8, and everyone you see the word love insert your name. For example: 
"Emily is patient and kind; Emily does not envy or boast; Emily is not arrogant or rude.  Emily does not insist on her own way; Emily is not irritable. Emily is not resentful.  Emily does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.  Emily bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Emily never ends." 
Can you do that without feeling like a liar? I definitely see some areas I need to work on..

For all of my Ilonggo speaking friends: 

"Ang tawo nga nagahigugma mapinasensyahon, maayo sa iya isigkatawo, indi mahisaon, indi hambog ukon bugalon,  indi bastos, indi maiyaiyahon, indi maakigon, indi madumot wala nalipay sa malaot kundi sa matarong,   permi mainantuson, permi may pagsalig kag paglaom, kag permi mabinatason.  May katapusan ang mga pagsugid sang pulong sang Dios kag ang mga paghambal sa iban nga mga lingguahe nga wala natun-i, pati ang mga pagsaysay sang kaalam sang Dios, pero ang gugma wala gid sing katapusan. " -- 1 Corinto 13:4-8

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Philippians 4:6

What I have been listening to lately...

Every since the EWomen Conference this song has been stuck in my head, and set to repeat on my iPod :)
Seriously, I love it!

What I have been reading...


She was one of the speakers at the conference, and was amazing! Loved her!

Favorite quote of the day...

"Emily...I'm going to start calling you Annelle!" -Mom

She said that after I accused her of taking the Lord's name in vain at my sisters basketball game.

She was referring to this conversation from Steel Magnolias!

" Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
-Phil. 4:6

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rosemary's Home of Hope

Hi all!

I want to start this post by saying, thank you for stopping by and reading this. This post is one of the most important post I have ever written. I sincerely ask that you would please have an open heart for what you will read.  I would mean the world.

I few months ago I shared a story with you from my summer trip to the Philippines, and told you there were more details to come.  You can read that story here. Scroll down until you see "A heart for the orphans..." There you will find the story which will get you caught up to this point.

After spending the evening with those two sweet children, I was even more eager to help the orphans.  My heart always breaks for those who seem to be so hopeless in this great big world, and I have such a desire to do all that I can.   

I arrived back at the hotel that night feeling overwhelmed by all of my emotions.  I was so grateful I had had the courage to follow God when he told me to go minister to a street kid. Overwhelmed by what He had done in not only showing us one child, but two as well as a grandmother. However, at the same time, I was heartbroken to have to take those two children back to their terrible, terrible situation. I felt confused. I wanted to do more.  There were countless kids walking the streets day and night without a home, without food, and without love. Many of the children are what Filipinos refer to as "trash kids." They pick through the trash cans on the streets with hopes of salvaging what food they can find, and collect any of the trash they might can sell to get money. There were no orphanages in Southern Leyte that could help these kids.  I wanted so desperately to help them, but how?

That night Ray come up to me and told me he needed to share his vision with me.  He said something like, "God has given me a great vision. We are going to start an orphanage." I at first think I responded with something like, "Are you serious?!" It was such an answered prayer.

Pastor Steve, one of the pastors who serves with BTEA, and his wife, Care, have been praying for several years for the opportunity to have an orphanage; however, they haven't had the support that was needed to get the process started, until now.  Steve, Care, and their children have relocated to Southern Leyte to run our orphanage, Rosemary's Home of Hope.  We have found land, but have not been able to purchase it yet.  We are in need of about $30,000 just to get it started.  

Although we do not have our land purchased or our buildings built, we were still able to go ahead and rescue three children from poor situations. We need your help so we can take the next step in this process.

If you would like to make a donation or receive more details, please email me! I will gladly give you more information! 

If we don't help them...who will?

Meet Rosemary's first orphans:

Unice: 4 years old

Clyde: 6 years old
Clyde is Unice's older brother.

Andy: 8 years old
Andy is one of the many street kids I referred to earlier. Steve & Care have been teaching Andy the normal every day routine things, such as basic hygiene.

Coming June 2012:Baby McKay

Hey y'all! As promised a bazillion days ago, I have some super duper exciting news to share!

For several months now, I have been praying for my bestie, Tab, and her hubby, Jason, to have a baby! I know they would make incredible parents, and truthfully, I need another baby to spoil. :)

Meet Tab & Jason

She's the kind of bestie every girl needs!

A couple of weeks ago, our little group of friends decided we had not spent much time together in far too long, and needed to plan something.  We all seem to have crazy schedules and it's very rare we get something planned when we can all make it.  With the cooler weather coming in, it only seemed logical to plan a bonfire!

All week we looked forward to Friday night. I don't know how I didn't pick up on Tab's extra excitement because thinking back on it now, she was definitely more excited than the usual.  Keep in mind, we are the kind of friends that know EVERYTHING about each other, and I still don't know how she kept this secret.

Friday night came, and I wasn't feeling well at all. I'm talking in the bed, don't talk to me. I kept trying to get up and pull myself together because I really did not want to miss this night, but I just couldn't do it. Finally, I text Tab and told her I was sad I could not make it, but I just didn't see a way. I really wish she had screamed through the phone at me then to get myself over there, but she was a good friend and understood. It was just a couple of minutes later that I received this picture...

Baby McKay is ON THE WAY!
At this point, I stared at my phone until it really sank in what it said! I was in shock! And SO excited! I jumped out of the bed like jack in the box, ran down my stairs, jumped in my car (pjs, hair in a pathetic bun, no makeup=looking a MESS), and scooted over to Tab & Jason's. Suddenly, I felt a whole lot better. HaHa.

I really can't wait for the sweet baby girl (hehe) to get here. They are going to make awesome parents.  Babies are such a sweet reminder of how awesome our Savior is. Just knowing that He already has His hand on this baby, and already knows the plans He has for him/her amazes me. It's miraculous. My heart is overjoyed to call them my friends, and to be a part of such an amazing thing.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." -Jeremiah 1:5

Love you Jason & Tab :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

You are loved.

"YOU are God's chief creation,
and YOU are here for His pleasure
 and His glory."
-Beth Moore

**I have some SUPER exciting news coming soon! Hehe :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesdays: My Stuggles

Honestly, I have never been consistent on linking up with "Weight Loss Wednesdays" for a few simple reasons, but it all boils down to pride.

In high school, I was a tiny little thing. I played basketball, and ran cross country. I could run miles and miles without stopping, and I truly loved it. They say all cross country runners are crazy...I think it is probably true. I never had a problem with being active or gaining weight. It was easy for me.

The past few years have really been a huge adjustment for me. One I am not at all adjusted to. Since graduation I have spent many weeks in the Philippines, began new jobs, and studied many, many hours.

You would think that my going to the Philippines would not play a part in weight gain, but it has. In the Philippines, I tend to lose weight. Seems that fish and rice does not put on the pounds like chocolate and ice cream in the States does. It is the returning home that causes me to gain weight. I always come home craving the things I longed for while I was in a third world country and so far out of reach of them. I keep telling myself, "I'll start a diet tomorrow," and sadly, tomorrow never comes.

Working has been wonderful. The extra cash in my wallet has been a blessing, and I'm very grateful; however, between work, school, and church activities I hardly have time to work out. Those afternoon runs I could not live without when in high school, rarely happen anymore. I never have time to hit the gym or take up any classes. How have I gotten this caught up in other things that I have neglected myself?

I can't get past my high school years when things come so easy for me. How do I eat healthy, yet not deprive myself totally of the things I love? What are some healthy foods I can make that are quick and easy? How do I get back into my running routine? Seriously guys, if anyone has suggestions I would be grateful!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sophie's Candy Land...PART 1

Hi blog friends :)
I have had a wonderful fall break; although, it has not been much of a break. I have worked both days I have been off, and have had to do some homework. However, I am not complaining. I love my new job at the flower shop! Also, I got to babysit two of my favorite kids in the world, and had I have been in school that would not have been possible.

As promised, here are some pictures of Sophie's Candy Land birthday party. Sophie is my pastor, Ray, and his wife's, Candi, little girl. Her and her brother, Eli, just so happen to be two of my favorite kids that I mentioned :) I think they are adorable, sweet, precious, irresistible, etc. Haha.

We have a joke at my church about being on "Emily's pregnancy prayer list." Basically, a couple of years ago I told a couple of people that I was praying they would get pregnant. Candi was one of them :) I had kind of forgotten about it until she pulled me aside one morning after church and said, "Stop praying! I do not want twins!" At first I was a bit confused, but I soon caught on :) I have loved that little girl every since. I was there the day she was born, and have been blessed enough to be a part of her changing and growing into the one year old she is today. My heart flutters each time I am around her and see how she is changing. The way she has learned to crawl, stand up on her own, say little words, learn to tickle, blow all makes me so happy. She's adorable. Without further ado...


Me & Miss Sophie Claire

LOVED the castle

Everything was adorable & so edible!

Soph & her daddy

Sooo much was kinda awesome!
I love the way Candi took simple things and turned them into these pieces.

Gracie, Mom, & Candi

Oreo balls=delicious

Eli..he was "modeling!" Too cute.

I think she's precious!

I took about 250 pictures at this party! HaHa. Needless to say, I am pretty sure I captured almost every single moment.  I selected about eighteen to post, and I think this got about half. The best ones are yet to come :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

If you've been missing me...

These past couple of weeks have been absolutely craziness!!! I don't even know where to begin.
 A couple of weekends ago was Miss Sophie Claire's first birthday! I WILL post on that soon. It was Candy Land theme, and just too cute not to share!

 I had mid-terms last week. Basically it was a week of little food and sleep, and lots of cramming.

Last Saturday was Angela's wedding. That tied up most of the weekend, but was SO worth it. Everything and everyone was very beautiful. Especially the lovely bride! Pictures to come, promise!

This week has basically been a week of studying and sleeping. I've been so behind on sleep that I catch myself falling asleep at random times and random places. I may or may not have recently fallen asleep in a public place.
Tomorrow is my last day of classes.  I have two quizzes, and then will officially be on fall break! I am so excited, and beyond in need of this break! I have been so hesitant to plan anything with anyone simply because I want sleep!

I promise to get you caught up on my life very soon. I have to find balance in my life!