Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The month of Thanksgiving.

Hi bloggers :)

As I mentioned in my last post, I will be writing about all of the many things I am thankful for this month. After all, it is the month of Thanksgiving :)  I am truly blessed, and could go on and on about the many blessings the Lord has given me.  I am going to take this month to share many of them with you. My goal is to at least post every other day. Sometimes life gets a little too crazy, and things don't go as planned. So, please bear with me. 

I am going to go in no particular order...after this first post. I do want to start by thanking my Savior, and giving glory to the One who has blessed me SO greatly.

On the 21st of December whenever I was ten years old, I realized I was a sinner in need of a Savior.  I had heard the story of Jesus loving me and dying for me many, many times.  I knew exactly what to do..it was just a matter of doing it.  That night, I asked Christ to live in my heart.  It was such a feeling of relief and joy. I remember wanting to tell every single person I come in contact with the joy I felt inside.  I wanted them to know they could also feel that same joy. 

The joy that God give to me that night, still remains inside of me.  Some days I struggle a little more than others to let show.  Sometimes I get bogged down my life, and forget to let go, and let God.  Over the course of my ten years as a child of God, I have been through many things, but God has been a constant through it all.  I have learned the things I might consider problems aren't really problems. Someone out there is facing something much bigger than I am.  As Donna VanLiere said at the EWomen Conference, "What we sometimes consider problems are really just inconveniences."  I sometimes confuse the two.

I am so truly thankful that I serve a God who will never let me down. I can call on Him at any time and He will answer. He is my strength.

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