Monday, February 28, 2011

BE THANKFUL 02.18.2011

18 Feb. 2011


After cleaning my room today, I noticed something. Although my room is organized and clean, I have things lined up on almost all four walls. It’s not like I brought just tons and tons of stuff, and I havn’t had any problem with having enough room; however, what I noticed today is that even though I only have a very small fraction of what I have at home, I have sooo much more here than the children have, and this is their home!!

There are three large rooms in the building with at least six boys in each room. Each of the children have their own very small cubby hole. In those cubby holes they have their clothes, school work, and maybe a couple of personal items. And me….I have two huge suitcases full of clothes, plus more personal items than could fit in even one of their cubby holes. The point isn’t that I have just tons of things with me, because I don’t. The point is..the little bit of what I have with me is so so much more than any one of these kids own.

Don’t forget to be thankful for what you have. You may not have every single thing you want. I don’t. But….I am soo blessed beyond measure. Each day these children sing praises to God for what they have. They walk around with a joyful heart. They stand up before each other and God, and always always have so much thanksgiving to give. No matter how bad life may get, you will always always have something to be thankful for.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6

 What are you thankful for??

* I am especially thankful for my family

I have listened to Nanay night after night, tell the stories of some of the orphans. Their stories that led to them coming here. Often, my mind is filled with questions.

 Why did God give me a family?
 How could I be so blessed with such a loving family, yet these precious children weren’t wanted?

Every time I look at one of the kids I just think how in the world could someone have given him/her away. It’s the most absolute absurd thought to me. I didn’t do anything to deserve a family. Just like these kids didn’t do anything deserve a family; however, the difference is I was born into a family who wanted me. Who love me. They weren’t. What I have realized is, none of us are deserving of anything. Not even a family. But, because God loves you & me so much He wants us to be a part of a family even greater than any of our earthly familes. He give His only son so that we can be adopted into His family. (Eph. 3-7) Don’t miss out on your opportunity!!

Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
John 3:3
John 14:6
Romans 10: 9-11
2 Corinthians 5:15

Revelation 3:20

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