Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Unforgetable Woman:" Prom 02.13.2011

Due to a lot of craziness and excitement around here this weekend, I havn’t found the time or the energy to blog! Needless to say I am a little bit behind. We have been busy every since the rooster crowed about 3:00 a.m. Friday! After breakfast, we took the elementary children to school. We had promised them we would stay for their elementary day, but because of our busy schedule we couldn’t stay that long. The time we spent there was definitely interesting though. There was a parade of all, well most all, of the students at the school. The students were either playing an instrument in the band, walking with their class, or riding on the princes and princesses float. It was all very cute. It did seem kind of like the other students were putting all of this on for our students here. They weren’t involved, but were very eager to watch! Bekah and I figured that they might not could due to all of the expenses involved, and with the very large family here, that might run into some very major expenses.

We had talked to Nanay Thursday night about going to the market on Friday for some things. So after our time at elementary day we headed to town! After picking up some food for some of the future activities, we decided to treat ourselves! We bought chocolate, those little French fry type things, and ice cream! It was great J Gina, the lady who went shopping with us, told us she had to go pick up some ground beef. I think that for just a second my brain was thinking about the nice little freezers we have back in America, because for some reason I was shocked to find myself right in the middle of raw meat. Just like always, it didn’t make me feel too great! Yuck!

Friday night was the junior/senior prom, so soon after lunch Bekah and I began helping them prepare for their big night! They were all very gwapo and gwapa! The girl’s dresses were beautiful! We also got to go to prom, so we spent a little time beautifying ourselves. We were very excited about the night!
headed to prom
The night began much like our prom’s back in America. We all lined up by the family van here at the orphanage and had our picture taken. Then, we all piled into this 15 passenger van to drive maybe half a mile through this field to their prom. We were among the first to arrive at their gymnasium, which was where the prom was held. When I say gymnasium please don’t picture an american gym. This gym was partly covered with tin, partly tarp, and had dirt floors. However, they had decorated very nicely, and had done the best with what they had, so it was nice. Soon after we got there, all of the students began arriving in their beautiful formal attire. They told everyone the prom would begin at four and end at ten. After we got there, we were told by the TIC (teacher in charge) that they only told the students that so they would be there in time, and they weren’t actually beginning until five.(Just like Filipinos! Haha) So to pass some time, Bekah and I took a lot of pictures with our "crew"!

As promised they began at five with a grand entrance of all of the students. The remainder of the night wasn’t at all like a prom back in America. The program was much more like one of our graduation activities. There was the reading of the class history, prophecies and will’s, and a candle lighting. The music for the night was very fun, but a bit confusing. There was a mixture of Casting Crowns, Martina McBride, Backstreet Boys, Jonas Brothers, Justin Beiber, and classical. Also, at the most awkward and random times during a song the mc would decide to give the audience a couple of inspiration lines. Such as quoting John 3:16 followed by “let’s make love, and give God the glory!” haha. That’s exactly what we want to tell students at a prom! Sometimes I wonder if those little awkward phrases they will sometimes say might have made more since in their own language. Finally, near the end of the program the boys got to perform their dance they had worked hours and hours on! They were all so great! After they finished their dance, it was time for all of the dancing to begin. However, I didn’t realize this until Richard walks up, extends his hand, and asked me to dance. I was at first in a little bit of shock, and repeatedly ask, “What?! Now?! We can dance now?!" He just laughed and give me the "silly American" look. So, we danced, and  Bekah so graciously took my camera for me. I think she thought she was going to get out of dancing, but soon after some random guy asked her for a dance! Haha.The dance was some type of Spanish waltz, which I had no clue how to do so Richard just simply told me to take his hand and he would lead. It was tons of fun, and really crazy! We kept getting swapped between all of the guys. I guess everyone wanted their turn with the americanas. They were swinging Bekah all around the floor! Me, I got swapped around with the male teachers, and was even told by one that I was his “unforgettable woman!” haha. Oh the things that happen in the Philippines! It was a lot of fun!! This was the beginning of the dancing. I honestly don’t know how they were dancing to the music they were dancing to. It was music that makes you just want to kind of nod your head, but not start getting down to, but let me tell ya….they were somehow really getting down to it! Haha. It was supposed to be over at 9.…at 10:30 we were still there! And at 1:00 am the music was still playing! Keep in mind the orphanage is maybe 2 minutes from the school, walking. Needless to say, we didn’t get just a whole lot of great sleep that night; however, it was so worth it. I am so happy we got to be a part of such a happy night for them, and I finally got to go to prom ;)

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