I recently told you all we had a great surprise coming up this weekend. Well, today was the day! Bekah and I treated the third year high schoolers, and two house mothers, Momma Lyn and Ate Red, to Lake Sebu! We all did a pretty great job at keeping the whole thing a secret. Bekah and I have been planning for weeks, and even though we have been about to bust to tell them, we have kept our lips sealed! Nanay did a great job of helping us out! After breakfast this morning, she announced all of the children’s assignments just like she always does on Saturday. However, this morning she split them up into grades, and told the third year they had a special project they were going to do, and they would need to be ready in just a few minutes. They were all wandering around here trying to figure out what in the world they were going to do today. They finally put it all together after we had loaded up into the van, and were on our way!
It wasn’t a very long drive, maybe thirty minutes. After arriving there, we immediately found the waterfalls! There are a total of seven falls there (hence the name "the seven falls"), and they were gorgeous!!! Huge waterfalls! We walked around a while, and took pictures of just about everything!
After much sight seeing at the falls, we decided to take a break and go zip lining. The children had never done this before, and Bekah and I had never been on one quite like this.
I rode with Glend across the first time we went. It was wild to say the least! I wish we knew how far above the ground we were, but the weathered wooden sign didn't say. |
The only "bad" thing about this adventure was the landing. There was little Filipino at the very end of the rope (just before the large metal pole) holding the rope tight so the little rubber stopper (for lack of a better term), would bring us to a halt. Each time we went I was sure we were bound for the large pole holding the fence up. |
We switched partners going back across. Bekah and I decided to go together, and although there was much talk that the American women would break the zip line, we survived! |
three amigos |
beautiful flower Jestoni picked for me |
we had to walk 774 (yes, we counted) to get to the top in order to do the zip line again.
was it worth it, you ask. ABSOLUTELY.
This picture is made at the top after everyone was practically dead from the steep journey up. |
she might be a little tired |
no one was talking...or moving |
We found the souvenir shop, and bought some t-shirts for a "remembrance".
I was with Jestoni this time! We decided we would try and video our experience. I will try and post that on here later so you can kind of see how it was. There was a rainbow over one of the falls! It was gorgeous! This time, once we got to the other side, the guy stopping us asked me if I had my camera. I told him yes, and it just kind of grabbed it from me and said “Okay! I will take your picture!” So….he pushed us back out over the valley, and told us to smile! Haha. Not exactly how they do it in Dollywood, but the pictures turned out pretty good! I just wasn’t sure how we were going to get back to the ground, but surprisingly we just kind of slowly went back. |
I rode with Jojet on the way back. He just did his little giggle the whole way back!
After all of the excitement, we were all ready for lunch! We went to a floating restaurant on the lake. It was nice! Momma Lyn and Ate Red ordered for us! We had a table full of tilapia, fried chicken, and of course rice. 22 cups to be exact. The children really enjoyed it; however, I have to tell you…I think they chicken probably died of natural causes rather than for the intention of eating, because it was literally skin and bones! It was nice though.
They had a little boat ride thing there that took you on a tour of the lake, so we did that! It felt really nice out there! We concluded the day with a chocolate stop on the way home! It was probably the most enjoyable day I have had since I have been here! Which is saying a lot, because everyday has been awesome!!! I am so happy we were able to take the kids, and the big kids…hahaha…and let them enjoy that. They just kept telling us how thankful they were that we had done that for them. We all had so much fun!!! |
more ziplineing pictures...
I found this awesome hat at the sari sari on a trail (totally random) at Lake Sebu.
I know you're jealous. |
we became best friends |
Jojet & me |
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