Thursday, October 6, 2011

If you've been missing me...

These past couple of weeks have been absolutely craziness!!! I don't even know where to begin.
 A couple of weekends ago was Miss Sophie Claire's first birthday! I WILL post on that soon. It was Candy Land theme, and just too cute not to share!

 I had mid-terms last week. Basically it was a week of little food and sleep, and lots of cramming.

Last Saturday was Angela's wedding. That tied up most of the weekend, but was SO worth it. Everything and everyone was very beautiful. Especially the lovely bride! Pictures to come, promise!

This week has basically been a week of studying and sleeping. I've been so behind on sleep that I catch myself falling asleep at random times and random places. I may or may not have recently fallen asleep in a public place.
Tomorrow is my last day of classes.  I have two quizzes, and then will officially be on fall break! I am so excited, and beyond in need of this break! I have been so hesitant to plan anything with anyone simply because I want sleep!

I promise to get you caught up on my life very soon. I have to find balance in my life!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for fall break! Sounds like you need AND deserve it! I can't wait to read about the candyland party! So cute!!
