Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sophie's Candy Land...PART 1

Hi blog friends :)
I have had a wonderful fall break; although, it has not been much of a break. I have worked both days I have been off, and have had to do some homework. However, I am not complaining. I love my new job at the flower shop! Also, I got to babysit two of my favorite kids in the world, and had I have been in school that would not have been possible.

As promised, here are some pictures of Sophie's Candy Land birthday party. Sophie is my pastor, Ray, and his wife's, Candi, little girl. Her and her brother, Eli, just so happen to be two of my favorite kids that I mentioned :) I think they are adorable, sweet, precious, irresistible, etc. Haha.

We have a joke at my church about being on "Emily's pregnancy prayer list." Basically, a couple of years ago I told a couple of people that I was praying they would get pregnant. Candi was one of them :) I had kind of forgotten about it until she pulled me aside one morning after church and said, "Stop praying! I do not want twins!" At first I was a bit confused, but I soon caught on :) I have loved that little girl every since. I was there the day she was born, and have been blessed enough to be a part of her changing and growing into the one year old she is today. My heart flutters each time I am around her and see how she is changing. The way she has learned to crawl, stand up on her own, say little words, learn to tickle, blow kisses...it all makes me so happy. She's adorable. Without further ado...


Me & Miss Sophie Claire

LOVED the castle

Everything was adorable & so edible!

Soph & her daddy

Sooo much candy..it was kinda awesome!
I love the way Candi took simple things and turned them into these pieces.

Gracie, Mom, & Candi

Oreo balls=delicious

Eli..he was "modeling!" Too cute.

I think she's precious!

I took about 250 pictures at this party! HaHa. Needless to say, I am pretty sure I captured almost every single moment.  I selected about eighteen to post, and I think this got about half. The best ones are yet to come :)

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