Hi all!
I want to start this post by saying, thank you for stopping by and reading this. This post is one of the most important post I have ever written. I sincerely ask that you would please have an open heart for what you will read. I would mean the world.
I few months ago I shared a story with you from my summer trip to the Philippines, and told you there were more details to come. You can read that story
here. Scroll down until you see
"A heart for the orphans..." There you will find the story which will get you caught up to this point.
After spending the evening with those two sweet children, I was even more eager to help the orphans. My heart always breaks for those who seem to be so hopeless in this great big world, and I have such a desire to do all that I can.
I arrived back at the hotel that night feeling overwhelmed by all of my emotions. I was so grateful I had had the courage to follow God when he told me to go minister to a street kid. Overwhelmed by what He had done in not only showing us one child, but two as well as a grandmother. However, at the same time, I was heartbroken to have to take those two children back to their terrible, terrible situation. I felt confused. I wanted to do more. There were countless kids walking the streets day and night without a home, without food, and without love. Many of the children are what Filipinos refer to as "trash kids." They pick through the trash cans on the streets with hopes of salvaging what food they can find, and collect any of the trash they might can sell to get money. There were no orphanages in Southern Leyte that could help these kids. I wanted so desperately to help them, but how?
That night Ray come up to me and told me he needed to share his vision with me. He said something like, "God has given me a great vision. We are going to start an orphanage." I at first think I responded with something like, "Are you serious?!" It was such an answered prayer.
Pastor Steve, one of the pastors who serves with BTEA, and his wife, Care, have been praying for several years for the opportunity to have an orphanage; however, they haven't had the support that was needed to get the process started, until now. Steve, Care, and their children have relocated to Southern Leyte to run our orphanage, Rosemary's Home of Hope. We have found land, but have not been able to purchase it yet. We are in need of about $30,000 just to get it started.
Although we do not have our land purchased or our buildings built, we were still able to go ahead and rescue three children from poor situations. We need your help so we can take the next step in this process.
If you would like to make a donation or receive more details,
please email me! I will gladly give you more information!
If we don't help them...who will?
Meet Rosemary's first orphans:
Unice: 4 years old |
Clyde: 6 years old Clyde is Unice's older brother. |
Andy: 8 years old Andy is one of the many street kids I referred to earlier. Steve & Care have been teaching Andy the normal every day routine things, such as basic hygiene.