Sunday, November 24, 2013

He heard my cry.

Hey y'all! 
I pretty much feel like my Philippines updates have been a little all over the place lately, and you know what? 
They pretty much have.
One minute we are planning to still go in December.
The next we're not.

A couple of days after the storm devastated the island of Leyte, I was informed that we would not be able to travel to our orphanage in December like we had planned. I briefly mentioned it over here, but y'all, if I'm being honest, I was just really, really upset. In my mind the things I was being told made sense. 

It's too dangerous.
The roads are impassable.
There is no food or water.
Electricity may not be restored for over a year.
There's still bodies everywhere.

But in my heart.....
my heart just wasn't having it. 

I had peace in knowing that if it was truly meant for me to go see my sweet babies at Rosemary's Home of Hope in December, God would make a way.
All I could do was pray.
And pray.
And pray some more.

I would be lying if I told you that these past couple of weeks haven't been a wild, emotional ride for me.
I'm not sure what it is yet, but I'm still convinced God is doing something bigger than I've even dreamed up in this heart of mine.
I've felt restless.
Full of energy to do something about the destruction that struck the people I love so much.
They are family.
And with everything inside of me, I want to be there.
I want to hug them, and tell them it's all okay.
I want to lift a hand where I can.
Carry food and water to the famished.

God, use me. Wherever and with whatever, just use me.

That has been my prayer.

As of now, myself, a friend of mine, and hopefully a gentleman who knows a little something about building, will be leaving around December 11.
It will be a super short trip, but I know it will be worth it.
I have a feeling God has something huge in store. 

The rebuilding will probably not begin until after the first of the year.
It is our job to go in December, assess the situation, and analyze what materials we will need to begin the process.

I'm so excited for this opportunity, and unbelievably grateful that God saw my heart, and answered my prayers. 

To help out with funds needed for travel expenses & rebuilding, please see the following:

  • Visit the official page of Rosemary's Home of Hope at and select
  • Visit the Support link listed above. All donations given on this site will be used to directly assist relief efforts and rebuilding, as well as travel costs for my December trip.
  • Purchase a Rosemary's Home of Hope T-Shirt @ the Store. Not only will all proceeds be given to Rosemary's Home of Hope, but it's also a super great way of raising more awareness for our home in the Philippines.
  • **For more information, please visit

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