never, ever let one guy's ignorance lead you to believe you aren't beautiful. that you aren't special. one of a kind. wanted.
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:13,14
so many times I have young ladies coming to me telling me how unworthy they believe they are. they truly believe they aren't beautiful. they are seeking out. desperate for attention of a man...any man. they settle. end up broken hearted. they are convinced they are unwanted, and undeserving of a special kind of love.
sometimes it's the season of singleness. sometimes it's the season of heartbreak. but always, in both of these situations, it's the questions. questions of why guys aren't flocking to us asking for a date. pondering why he would break our heart. maybe we aren't pretty enough. have the right body type. we usually either fall into a pit of self destruction of our self esteem, or change who we are. we compromise who God made us to be to hold on to him. we compromise ourselves, and what we believe in with hopes of winning his heart.
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don't fall into this trap. remember Christ's love for are beautiful. God created you to be an outstanding woman of His. Let Him have your heart.
"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."only one man can ever be all that you need. only one man see the total and complete beauty in who you truly are. only one man knows every single thing about you. only one man died a humiliating death just so He can have eternity with you. and this man..and only this the King of Kings, and God of the universe.
Proverbs 31:30
Focus on these truths.
and in time...a love, a special kind of love, will come. a love that shows you, you are beautiful for you are. a love that loves you for your heart. a love that sees Christ in your eyes. a love that desires to lead you in spiritual truths. a love straight from God himself. a love that shows you the kind of love Christ shows you.
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Don't and I deserve this love. remind yourself of that daily.
you deserve a special love.
"The heart is more than just emotions. It is the internal driving force of everything we do. What the heart desires is the most powerful force in our lives. Therefore, we need to make sure to guard it from those influences that would seek to divert, pollute, or steal our hearts."absolutely one of my favorite quotes from BYMPC:
--Before You Meet Prince Charming
"Pray for a man after God's own heart---pray for a David. Pray for a man whose life is devoted to the Lord so that as you give yourself to him, you will be using your life to bring forth fruit that is eternal. Pray for a man who loves Christ more than he loves you. Pray for a man upon who God's blessing is evident."
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You are so inspirational! I love you!! We text everyday so Ima let you guess who I am! I'm waiting Prince Charming. You've encouraged me to do that!
ReplyDelete:) I love you!!! So thankful for your friendship!