Tuesday, October 9, 2012

a servants heart.

last week was crazy. crazy. but somehow through the craziness i have once again realized something so important, and so obvious. i love to serve. God has given each one of us spiritual gifts, and although i am still searching to figure out just what mine are, i am sure of this... serving others, it's my passion.

 "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:  whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
                                                                                                                   1 Peter 4:10,11

last week i helped out with AFA's Sharathon, and through that God highlighted that area in my heart, and brought me back to who i truly am. sometimes i get so wrapped up in life that i lose focus of that. serving may sometimes get put on the back burner while it should be etched into my very being so much that in absolutely every single thing that i do i serve.  i love working with people who have come from different walks of life, but who share one common goal---expanding God's Kingdom.

while last week was such a blessing to me, i am reminded that it doesn't take a special event such as the AFR Sharathon to serve others. it's daily life.

what is the AFR Sharahon, you ask. AFR (American Family Radio), is the radio station provided to us by AFA (American Family Association). if you don't listen already, go here and find a station near you. they totally rock! they are 100% listener supported. no financial help is given to them by the government or any other associations. it's up to you and me to keep them going, so what are you waiting for? it's not too late to help out.  go support!

here's just two of the many sweet people i was blessed to meet while working:

callie. turns out we are from the same area. beautiful young lady.

and this...is birthday dave. he is from south mississippi (there were people working from all over the country). he will ask a person their birthday before he will their name. within five seconds of finding out the day, month, and year, he will know the day of the week. it's kind of remarkable.

what are your spiritual gifts? share with me!

have a terrific tuesday!


  1. ahhh this is awesome! And so so true to find out how we can serve and do it! Brings so much joy! thanks chica...love katie

  2. love this! serving is a great gift to have! mine is teaching ;)

  3. I love that you have been made by the Lord to serve and are actually DOING it!! Makes me want to cry from joy!!
