Tuesday, September 18, 2012

love. it's a battlefield.

Life...it's crazy sometimes, or in my case, all the time. Lately, it seems like God's sense of humor has increased, while my lack of planning skills have plummeted.  If you've read my blog any length of time, or know me in the "real word," you know I am very much a planner. God has really shown me over the past couple of weeks no matter how persistent I am in trying to make sure my life is going according to my little red planner, His will will always prevail. In an effort to get past the hurdles that have recently come into my life, I am doing a little life renovating.

Have you ever had something happen in your life that in the moment seems tragic? Planned and counted on something with your whole heart, and in just a few short seconds have it blow up?  Then suddenly, one day you wake up, crank up Pat Benetar, and give those once treasured photos, t-shirts, and bummer stickers a new home...in the garbage can. Recently, that was me. The whole thing, Pat Benetar and all.

I've spent most of the day today working giving my blog a makeover.  I think you can put two and two together and figure out what may have transpired in my life lately. I may or may not post details later.

All that truly matters is that I'm good now. I admit a rough patch, but it wasn't anything a little chocolate chip pizza, my God, supportive family, and some girlfriends ready to kick some butt couldn't handle.

Now, I'm happy and moving on with life. Classes are in full swing, and definitely keeping me busy.  My body is definitely on repeat lately. Get up. Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. I'll try to make a more frequent visit to my page, and update you on fall festivities (I'm so happy fall is upon us!), Rosemary's Home, and the new devil in my life (aka weight watchers). Follow me on Pinterest. You'll definitely get an overload of Points+ recipes!

I'm going to leave you with this. Whether you were fortunate enough to have been around when this hit charts, or you're like me, and wish you had been, sing it.
Heartache to heartache we stand!

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