As I sit down tonight to journal and reflect on the weekend, I am already having a few regrets. Overall, I would give my first weekend of summer a fantastic review.
There was laughter.
There was sleep (with no alarm, which totally rocks. my. world.)
There was a wedding.
There was time with Jesus.
And then, there was sunshine.
Lots of sunshine.
And lots of Afro sheen.
As I sit here writing this post, face lathered in Vaseline (because that's what my BFF cosmetologist told me to do to remove the nastiness which has taken over my once moisturized, smooth skin), I ask myself one question.
What the HECK were you thinking?!
Folks, Mississippi weather is pretty crazy. Mother Nature has been tempting us with pretty spring days every now and then, but she hasn't brought her full blown summertime weather.
Until Thursday.
Thursday, the sun was bright and warm, and it was the most perfect day to lay out at the lake.
I found myself enjoying the peacefulness that surrounded me.
The birds were singing.
Breeze was blowing.
and before I knew it, time had slipped right on by.
I had been laying out with bare minimum covering my almost fully exposed body, and soaked in Afro sheen....for six hours.
With Afro sheen.
Needless to say, as a result, I have raccoon eyes from over sized shades, and a scaly face that would make any reptile envious. But hey...I sho got my tan on ;)
Here's a few pictures from the weekend. I almost regret I failed to take pictures of the gorgeous wedding and reception I attended on Saturday, but then I remember how much fun I had on the dance floor without my camera, and well, sorry but I'm not so sorry!
We got two new babies at Rosemary's!
Meet Venz and Leehra |
My best friends brought me home some coffee from the Philippines.
Usually I'm not a fan of instant coffee, but oh my goodness.
Meet Cotton.
I got to puppy sit while his family was out of town.
Isn't he just adorable? |
Read this in an hour.
Yes, I love me some Dolly ! |
I need more summer reads. Suggestions?