Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Latest Newsletter: July 2014

PictureIt has been eight months since my feet were on Philippine soil, and boy am I missing it terribly. This past year has been a huge adventure for me.  My obligations at school seem to be increasing daily; however, I remain very thankful for each of them. This past spring, I had the opportunity to teach in the Special Ed. classroom three days a week. Wow, was that ever a blessing. It was definitely not easy learning the ends and outs of the profession; however, it was tremendously awarding. It reminded me of being present in the here and now and recognizing the importance of our every day mission field in whatever position God places us.

In May, I was a part of a trip to England with the Baptist Student Union at Mississippi State. We held a Vacation Bible School in a community in the city of Grantham, England. Despite the constant dreary, rainy weather, we had around fifty children present for all five days. The children and adults alike were mostly cold to the Gospel. They were not familiar with God’s love for us, and cared not to know much. However, unlike the Philippines, they were aware of the “myth” of Jesus, but chose not to believe in it. It was heartbreaking. The ministry which works in this community has been working with the people for over ten years. According to them, the people have begun to show interest in the past three years. While we were there, we spoke with around seven people who were beginning to show some interests in the Gospel. Sadly, no one came to know Christ while we were there, but we trust in God’s timing. I ask that you continue to pray for this ministry, that they would persevere despite the frustrations of people being reluctant to the Gospel. Also, pray for those children. Join us in praying that they would break the cycle of drugs and crime that their parents are in. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of the mission to show from this trip. We were asked not to photograph any of the children, or their parents, due to the harm that could come to them due to that. Many are involved in heavy drugs, serious crimes, and alcoholism.

I will begin my last semester of classes in August, before I begin my student teaching in January. I am so excited for the next chapter in my life, and I’m trying to soak up every opportunity I have to serve Him before my “real world” obligations kick in. Ha. Beginning in August, I will resume my responsibility as the prayer leader at the Baptist Student Union, as well as the small group Bible study leader for students transferring from community colleges. It has been such a blessing serving the Lord on campus, and getting to know students from all walks of life.

The big question….when will I go back to the Philippines? First of all, I’m so thankful for my trip to England and how God used it to show me how to evangelize to those who have a colder heart to the Gospel. That trip truly showed me the importance of perseverance, and continual prayer. However, with that being said…I am SO ready to get back to the Philippines!!!! Prayerfully, I will be boarding a plane and heading to my home across the seas in December. As Bro. Jerry Dickens once told me, if God wants you there, He will make a way. Every trip I hold tight to that truth!  As of right now the plane tickets are the cheapest we have ever found them…$1,400! I ask that you would pray for that price to remain until we get enough funds to go! The prices for those tickets fluctuate tremendously from day to day. Last December we paid $2,700! Was it worth every penny? Absolutely yes! We will be leaving the first of December, and spending a little over a week there delivering Christmas. If you guys would like to help out with the gifts, it isn’t too early to start! We will be collecting gallon zip lock bags stuffed full of travel hygiene items, baby dolls, matchbox cars, fingernail polish, hair bows, school supplies, etc. The options for what you can put in these bags are pretty open. All we ask is no liquids over 4 oz (due to the price of shipping), and no toys that provoke fighting, such as play guns, military, etc. As soon as you begin collecting, let me know and we will begin packing them! Also, if possible, we ask for $7 for the shipping of each bag. Let’s see how many we can get this year! Keep in mind…the typhoon caused great destruction to many people in the area last year. Any and every gift you give will be greatly appreciated.

For the upcoming year. It is with great prayer that I beginning planning a trip to Rosemary’s July 2015. I will be leading a group of approximately eight Mississippi State students to do work at the home for around 15 days. We will be working with the children, youth, college students, as well as the older adults in the area. Planning for that is beginning, and I ask that you join me in praying that I proceed with his discernment, and only plan that which is in His will.

I thank you guys so much for all of your love and support over the years. If the Lord provides for me to go in December, it will be my twelfth international mission trip. I stand amazed daily that he chose this little Ryan’s Well girl to carry His gospel across the world. You have been such a part of every trip, and with your support and prayers, they never would have been possible. I thank God for you guys every day!!!

I hope to see you guys soon, and tell you more about what the Lord is doing in my life! Also, I have updates from Rosemary’s! We now are blessed with 23 kids!  I will be returning to school mid August, so if it works out for a Sunday visit between now and then, please let me know J

I love you all,


(662) 397-0115

550 Grovner Springs Road

Fulton, MS 38843