It's that time of year again! Time to fill our stomachs with lots of delicious food! Time to enjoy the hustle and bustle of shopping for Christmas gifts! This time of year is absolutely crazy. So many things going on! I enjoy this time of year more than any other. I love getting to spend time with friends and family, and just enjoy each others company; however, sometimes the holidays get so busy we forget to actually stop and take in what the holidays are really about.
Whenever I was little, my Sunday School teacher would have our class write down the things we were thankful for. I want to get back to that. It is so important not to just enjoy the activities of the holidays, but to actually take time and seek out the true meaning of the holidays! Since today is Thanksgiving, I just want to take a few minutes and reflect on my life, and think about all of the blessings the Lord has given me.
*I am thankful
I am so incredibly blessed with such a wonderful family. I love that they are a few of the few people I
am absolutely myself with. They are so supportive of me in everything I do in life. I love our
talks and our laughs, but most of all I love those moments when I am completely overwhelmed by
how lucky I am to be a part of such a wonderful family. I am absolutely so truly thankful for them!
*I am thankful for...friends.
Tab, Meghan, Ben, Misty, Candace, Keely, Scotty, and so many more...I am so thankful to have
these wonderful people as my friends. You are absolutely wonderful. For those who have been
around for years....thanks for keeping me around :) My life would not have been the same without
you. For those who have just recently come into my life...everyday I thank God I met you!
*I am thankful
God has placed me in such an incredible church family which I am forever grateful for. It's so
encouraging to know that I have such a great support system there. I love being a part of such Godly
people who are so eager to share God's love with others.
*I am thankful for...the Philippines.
Oh my goodness...where do I even begin. First of all I am so so thankful that God has chosen me to be
a part of sharing His love with the beautiful Filipinos. Each time I am sharing the gospel over there I
I am so overwhelmed that God chose ME! It's such a marvelous feeling. Secondly, I am thankful for the
people God has brought into my life through the Philippine trip. I always tell people some of my greatest
friends are spread out across the country and in the Philippines. This is all because of the trip. I am
thankful God brought these people into my life who have a heart like I do...a heart to carry God's word
to the ends of the earth.
*I am thankful health, books, music, stars, butterflies, bicycles, converses, laughter, cameras, sticky notes, ice cream, chap stick, peppers, electric blankets, paint, etc...
These are just a few random things I am thankful for that make my life wonderful :)Without my health
I wouldn't be able to do the things I do. The moments I sit down with a book, or when my
favorite song comes on the radio, or when I see a butterfly fly by, give me this crazy sense of
happiness. I love that feeling! I am thankful for stars, because they are such a sweet reminder of just
how awesome God is!
*Most importantly, I am thankful for...a Savior.
I am SO thankful that someone loved me soo much He would give His very own life for me. Without
Jesus Christ dying on the cross for my sins, none of this other stuff I have mentioned would even
matter. I am so thankful for His love, forgiveness, friendship... He IS truly amazing! If you have not
accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and have the peace I do of knowing you have a
home in Heaven...please don't wait.
Have you counted your blessings today?
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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