Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hellooo Spring :)

It's finally springtime! This is absolutely my favorite time of the year. I love the flowers blooming, the nice breeze, the sunshine, etc. During this time of year, I am more than ever reminded of my wonderful Savior. It's amazing to me how He makes things bloom. The sad, bare, dead trees become beautiful, green, alive. It's a beautiful sight :)

I love my sweet Daisy

Hank is so photogenic

Monday, March 7, 2011

The end of my journey.

Tonight my heart is breaking. My journey at UDH has come to an end (for this trip at least). I have posted the last of blogs. I currently find myself in a pool of tears. Reading through my blogs tonight, watching videos, and looking at pictures has definitely got some serious emotions going on. It's been a week since I left those precious kids, and I miss them more and more each day. There isn't a single time that I look at a clock, and I don't add two hours and change the a.m to p.m. or vice versa. I'm always imagining what they might be doing. I feel like I am world away from them, and that makes my heart so sad. It's so difficult to love a group of people like family, and be so far away from them.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Each of you mean so much to me.  Thank you for taking the time to actually read my updates,  most of all thank you for your prayers. I could never tell you how much you mean to me. Without you, this journey would not have been possible.
I am forever grateful.

Tonight as I have been thinking about everything, I randomly thought of a small, funny story I wanted to share that I never blogged about.  My family sent me a package that I was supposed to get about three weeks before I actually recieved it. In the package was many, many packets of fun dip!  The night of the last film showing (movie night), I decided I would pass out the packets. After picking out whether they wanted red or blue, I decided just to watch them for a second and see what they did with it. After getting some very confused looks, I had a little "Fun Dip--How To" class. It was such a funny/cute moment. I wish we would have had the video recorder out!

Oh how I miss them.

AMERICAN DAY 2, 26.2012

I began my day this morning at 3:45 with an ice cold shower! After semi getting ready, I went to wake Bekah up, and we headed over to begin cooking breakfast! It took us about two hours to prepare about one hundred French toast and scrambled eggs! I believe everyone really enjoyed it! It disappeared very quickly!

Soon after breakfast we began preparing for lunch. Bekah and I anticipated lunch being our biggest meal. We had hamburgers! It took a long while to cook 108 hamburgers! I definitely have more respect for people who prepare meals for large amounts of people, and for people with large families! It’s hard work feeding that many Filipinos! They EAT! Haha.We had the majority of great trimmings that come along with hamburgers. Some of the kids said this meal was better than rice! That’s craziness coming from a Filipino! (we have it on video for those of you who don't believe me).  During lunch we also enjoyed some great American music! For dinner we had chicken fajitas. t took us a little while to explain how to eat them, but we managed, and they enjoyed! All in all, today was a successful day! It was crazy exhausting though!
Bekah assigned each of the children a new American name.
We all wore our name tags ;)

lumch is served

the kids, as well as the Americana's, were very anxious

Angela attempting to hide her cheese for later
Melody hid some cheese in her Bible!

Restless Sleep 2.18.2011

It is 2:30 a.m. on Friday, and I can’t sleep! Not sure what is going on. It all started whenever I climbed into my bed only to discover my sheets very damp. I thought if I kept my windows closed this problem would be solved, but I guess even that didn’t help. This humidity here is something else.

 This is one of the only nights since I have been here that it is actually quiet. Gemboy’s snoring is much quieter. The rooster must be sleeping. Karaoke isn’t going. I can hear the lizard only every now and then. Normally, there are several things that play a large factor in no sleep. However, tonight there is just no reason. I lay down, and immediately my mind wonders to a thousand things. Crazy things. I would just like to sleep.

Noon-- I finally went to sleep this morning…about five o’clock a.m. I woke up at 6:32, and realized that the breakfast bell had probably rang about two minutes prior. I hurriedly put contacts in, and threw my hair up. Bekah showed up just as I was about to walk out, and told me that she had banged on my door and window, and I obviously didn’t hear a thing. Needless to say, I was a little late for breakfast. I feel completely exhausted! I wonder if I am ever going to feel rested again! Since breakfast, I have cleaned my room, re-arranged my clothes, showered, and drank coffee. Now, I am catching up on blogging and emailing. Not sure what the rest of the day holds. This afternoon I will probably skip my nap. As much as I want to sleep I am going to stay awake and get some things done. Maybe I will be so tired tonight my body will have no other option but sleep. I want to read sometime today. We have devotion this afternoon at five, then dinner. I think we are having a film showing tonight. Jestoni said last night he was excited because “tomorrow is Friday, and that means film showing. Maybe two film showings. Then, the next tomorrow is Saturday!” Oh if he only knew what Saturday holds! Haha. Bekah and I are very excited for the weekend. I have two weekends left here so I have to make the absolute best of them!

my little pink castle which not only serves as a guard against mosquitos, lizards, rats, etc, but also is a great clothes dryer

this is how we play music around here